Thursday, April 10, 2008


I contacted our agency representative yesterday and found out that you don't start waiting until your dossier is logged in by the Ethiopia staff. So even though it feels like we started waiting when we turned in the dossier, we didn't actually start waiting until a month and a half later. But I guess all the fine points of "waiting" are beside the point. The real news is that it will probably be another month or so until we know anything. So, another opportunity to practice patience!


Jen Z said...

Wow, that comes as a huge shock since we submitted our dossier 3 weeks ago and were told repeatedly that we were on the wait list last month, even though our dossier still hasn't gone to ET. That was real downer news, but thanks for sharing so I have some clue of what's going on.

susan said...

I know, I know! They need to adjust the expected wait times to take this into account -- otherwise they should tell people that it's 2-4 months of official waiting and 1 1/2 months of waiting to wait.

los cazadores said...

I didn't know that, but good to know so I'm anticipating that...
