Monday, August 11, 2008


A few days after we returned from Africa and I was so sick, our 5th wedding anniversary came and went without either of us even noticing it. This is not to say that I don't notice how wonderful Chris is, how he brings me a chocolate chip cookie from Specialty's Bakery when I need it most, how happy he is to see me after work, how he listens, how he encourages and supports me, how he makes me laugh! Of course, I often think about how lucky I am - we are - to have found each other. But, we missed it so now I'm thinking about it all the time! And today I found myself reviewing all that has happened to us in the past five years. It's a lot:

1. 5 pregnancies
2. 2 births, one adoption
3. bought a fixer-upper and underwent 2 extensive remodel projects, both requiring that we move out for a time
4. went from being single to having our own party of 5
5. traveled to Ethiopia for our daughter

No wonder I'm tired. And happy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

5 years, that seems like a familiar number.