Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Tears are Coming!

Oh my gosh. I'm feeling overwhelmed these days. We just returned from a few days at the cabin where we took advantage of our Nexus passes and day tripped in B.C. a couple of times. And then returned home to a messy house, a mountain of laundry, a computer that is so slooooow that I can't check the 141 emails in my inbox. Oh, and after the few days off, I'm trying to back into a routine with Beck's lessons - a situation that feels pretty fragile anyway. At one point today he said, "Mama, the tears are coming! I'm not sure why, but the tears are coming for real!!" Sigh. (This always brings up my own uncertainty about this path...Am I doing the right thing?!)

But the big news is that today we bought a new car - a new 8 seater Toyota Sienna mini van in Silver Shadow metallic. It smells good, it's roomy and wonderful, but I'm feeling a little guilty about it. It's true: we do need a new car and the mini van makes the most sense, but I'm on this frugality kick lately and after realizing that we can actually fit all three car seats in the back of our little Geo Prism (which gets great gas mileage, BTW) I'm wondering if we really needed so much extra room and luxury. The one nice thing is that we now we can take our little day trips and include extended family which comes up a lot.

So. That's it for now. I have photos so hopefully we'll put those up this weekend.


Anonymous said...

I have found it helps to keep smiling & we are home.

Deni said...

Here's a News Flash...your kids will be getting taller and heavier. You definitely need that larger car.
I love reading your blogs.
Your kids are so very, very, fortunate to have your devotion and dedication. What an amazing gift you and Chris are giving to your children! Hang in there!

emme said...

You need a van. I only wished we bought ours sooner. Deni is right, they only get bigger. It's when they are out of car seats that you really need the room!

I often wished I had home schooled, hang in there! I'm sure it will be worth it.