Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Latest

Sorry to bore you with all the sickness reports, but here's the latest! I'm better. I'm not feeling 100% yet, but still better than I have since we got home so it feels great! We still haven't unpacked our suitcases, but at least I'm vertical and Chris is able to go to work. Unfortunately, the first meal I was able to hold down was the first meal that Beck threw-up. That was Sunday night and he's still vomiting. And that's another thing: the boys still want to eat even though I keep telling them their tummy isn't better yet and that they'll probably have to vomit. It's pretty nasty. Anyway, Chris is the only one left who hasn't had this stomach flu. I think he's a little nervous, but maybe he'll luck out this time.

Our little angel biscuit, Ember, is doing well! I'm not sure if she just has a sunny, easy disposition or if the difference is spending her first few months in the institutional-like setting, but she is happy doing whatever. She's sleeping well and happy when she's awake, interested in everything, giggles and smiles a lot. My boys were so high maintenance, this feels way too easy! I especially like taking her outside because she seems completely fascinated with the trees blowing in the wind. Her eyes grow wide and she just stares. I know the feeling!


Jillienne said...

We brought Emersyn home on May 2 and I still feel the same way you are describing. She is just so good and mellow that I am waiting for the other shoe to drop!

I am glad that you are all starting to feel a little more human. I know that trip took a lot out of us and we didn't end up sick. Good luck to you!

Anonymous said...

probably her personality and a natural curiosity about a new environment. i'm glad you are feeling better and hope beck and yogi are better soon. hopefully all the germs will be gone by august :)


Sparkz said...

Thats so cute that she loves to see the trees blow! I am glad you hear your feeling better too. Man that must be rough! I hope your back to 100% soon!