Friday, July 18, 2008

Wiped Out

I just dragged myself out of bed to let you all know that we are very sick here. Even my niece, who is staying with us to help with the transition, has been throwing up for the past 24 hours. Yogi started feeling bad last night and so far has barfed 3 times today. I think we caught something on the flight home. At least I hope it's that and not Yellow Fever or some other scary disease. I had a very high temperature that wouldn't drop - even with Tylenol - for 2 full days. I thought I was feeling better yesterday so I had some food. That turned out to be a big mistake and I'm paying for it today. Ember seems to be doing better in terms of her wheezing. She still has a terrible cough and will only eat 2-3 ounces of formula at a time now. In spite of all that she still has her signature big smile!

I want to thank you all for the kind comments that you leave here! It really does make my day. It's kind of like finding Easter eggs out in the grass. Each one is a little surprise and big delight. Once we get back on our feet I hope to catch up in my blog neighborhood and make the rounds to see how you're all doing! I promise the photos are coming!


Jen Z said...

So sorry to hear you're all sick. :( I hope you're back on your feet and feeling 100% soon.

d said...

Susan, so sorry you are all feeling so sick and I really hope you get to feel better soon and back on your feet. WE miss you and we are all thinking of you!

emme said...

Hope you all feel better soon, lots of love sent your way :)

krnswife said...

It has run through Everyone here too. Nicholas has same issues as Ember but we seem to have turned a corner today. E-mail me when you are back on your feet. Cindy

Deni said...

Take your time...even when you feel better, your body is still recuperating...take it slow...enjoy any small moment you've earned it!! Love, Deni

Gretchen said...

Ohhhhhh.... I'm so sorry to hear this news! I wish I was closer to help out.

Good vibes, good vibes, good vibes (being sent your way)....

Anonymous said...

I hope you are all feeling well soon! I know what it's like being sick and trying to fight it. I can't imagine what that is like with a new baby! I guess I'll know soon! Can't wait to see more pictures of Ember!

Heather said...

I got the flu right after I got home too. It wiped me out for a good five days. I hope you have a speedy recovery!
~ Heather

Sparkz said...

Ember is SO cute. I am SO sorry you are all sick. At least you're home since your so sick... (glass half full, maybe...) Hope everyone is feeling better soon.