Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Dilemma

So this is it: the boys loved swimming lessons last session. Now we're into the second week of this session and Yogi won't get into the water - at least not until most of the lesson is over each time.On the first day of this session when his new instructor introduced herself to the group, he just dropped his head into his hands and wept. I think his new instructor is wonderful and he's had the class before so he knows what to expect. Beck isn't in his class, but is just a few feet away in the other group.

So, what do I do? Force him to continue even though he keeps climbing out with a grumpy look on his face and sits on the edge? If I do take him out am I teaching him that it's ok to quit whenever he wants and for no reason? Should I wait and let him take lessons when he's older? Am I wasting money since he won't swim? These are the situations that I find most challenging in parenting.

It's sort of happening in preschool too. The last few weeks Yogi cries when I drop him off. And yesterday he announced that he's quitting preschool. Today when I dropped him off, he looked at me and said, "You know, Mama, I told you I quit! I told you yesterday I QUIT preschool!" I'm not as confused about what to do in this situation since I need both boys to be there so I can attend infant preschool with Ember. But still, it sort of pains me since I only put the boys in this preschool to have fun. They're supposed to be having fun!!


Anonymous said...

I hate those kind of dilemmas! what did he say when you asked him why he is having a hard time?

emme said...

head banging time for sure...you, not yogi. yogi reminds me of casey in this way - they seem to know the exact thing to say to pull at your heart strings and so maturely articulate - pritam too i think. hang in there, it will work out. keep talking to him.

Deni said...

I think that Yogi probably is fine in preschool, he just doesn't want to leave you. I have seen many students put on quite a show for mom; then, when mom is gone, they have a great time with the activities of preschool. I'm guessing that it is not that he doesn't like preschool, it is just that he'd rather be with you. Maybe the swimming is more of the same. There is a new baby, threatening Yogi's place as the most favored child. He can't stand to be away from you. I would acknowledge whatever feelings he expresses... "I know you are (mad, sad), but you won't always feel that way." Give him confidence that he can handle this, and in time, he will.

susan said...

You guys are so great! Thanks for the supportive words and the advice. I love the simplicity and wisdom in "keep talking to him". And I find having phrases ready to say SO helpful -- "you won't always feel this way". I think he's also feeling some anxiety about Beck becoming more independent. Beck is in another swim class so Yogi is on his own and at school, Beck has some little buddies that he knows well and likes to play with. Yogi tells me, "I work alone." Poor guy.