As soon as Ember learned to crawl she started pulling herself up to a standing position which she does constantly now. Her only problem is that I think she's afraid to let go and sit back down. She starts off super happy, squawking loudly and then eventually she sounds upset and finally starts to cry until someone helps her sit down.

She's also learned that whenever anyone says "hi" or "bye-bye" she waves. And sometimes she just waves if she enters a room and she sees someone she likes. It is so adorable! I swear it sounds like she's trying to say "hi" herself. It sounds more like "AH!" and she does it in greeting with her wave or if someone says it to her.
You are really enjoying Ember. She is a very lucky girl. I will miss you all at Christmas. Keep the photos coming!! Love, Deni
She is adorable! She looks as if she's growing so much already...
sooooo cute. i remember that stage so clearly. i'm not sure they are afraid so much as they can't figure out what to do.
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