Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Playing Chase

I think I read in an art book one time about the importance of "filling your well" so that you have something, some material to express in your art. And even though I'm no artist, my well is feeling pretty empty these days. Sometimes I think about posting, but then I get busy with all the household chores and the kids and when I finally do sit down to write, nothing comes to mind. Well, nothing besides the basics like EAT SOMETHING or GO TO BED.

The nanny that we hired last September for 9 hours each week is somewhere between here and Guatemala riding on a motorcycle with her boyfriend. She doesn't expect to be back for several months and so I've been flying solo for the last month and a half. Those 9 hours made a big difference.

Anyway, here is a short video of Ember doing one of her new favorite things: playing chase. This usually brings her to hysterics. Oh, and you'll also notice my sort of lame attempt at styling her hair. Only the top section is long enough to do anything with, but it's fun to try! By the way, we scheduled her first hair cut at a children's salon with a gal from Ethiopia who also gives tips for caring for ethnic hair. Can't wait!


Anonymous said...

Wow! I can't believe how well she gets around! I can see why you are so busy!

TT said...

You are in for trouble now!

emme said...

was wondering why you hadn't blogged for a while. it is good to get advice about caring for 'ethnic' hair. it really is different than caring for european hair. my friend who adopted did eventually develop quite a bit of skill at braiding her daughter's hair, but it is time consuming.

Deni said...

How precious! Thanks for sharing such a truly delightful moment. Have fun!

los cazadores said...

That is too cute.
