Well, happy new year to you! Here we are in 2010 already and I have to say that so far it's been a fabulous year! Of course, it doesn't hurt that my sister had the kids for 5 hours yesterday (a Christmas present to me and Chris). We hung out in our clean house (usually that state only lasts a few minutes) and then went to a local and wonderful little restaurant called Pair for a schooner of beer, a small oval platter of Pommes Frites, and some conversation about our house goals for 2010. Next on the list: upstairs fireplace. When we got home I even had time for a lavender bubble bath. It was lovely!
What else? After a visit from my sister in law and niece I decided to rearrange the living room furniture. The idea of spaces having energy came up in conversation and I decided that it was time to change up the energy in our common space. I'm not sure if it's a better arrangement, but it sure feels good.
And let's see, on New Years after the kids were in bed, we sunk into the couch with what I thought would be a nice feel-good movie. It was Julie and Julia, but we didn't make it through because I couldn't stand Meryl's Streep's take on Julia Child. My god, she was annoying. It was like watching a large, drunk, horsey clown. I can't imagine the real Julia was quite that bad because how could anyone stand to be around her long enough to learn how to cook?!
Beck lost his first tooth this morning. I remember how excited I was when that one came in. The new one is twice the size and across the top is a neat row of bumps. So cute!
Here are some photos of the recent hair cuts. New hair, new teeth, new living room! Out with the old, in with the new!!
Yogi has the ability to look soooo sad! It almost makes you want to cry for him.
It's amazing how much those "grown up" teeth change the way they look!
It will be great to watch Christmas Schooner, i have bought tickets from
http://ticketfront.com/event/Christmas_Schooner-tickets looking forward to it.
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