We are having a rough start here. Our nausea is finally gone, but now we have head colds and hacking coughs. But really, that's nothing compared to what our little Ember is dealing with. Her wheezing hasn't diminished and we went back to the doctor yesterday. She also has a very bad cough which is causing her to vomit when she's having a bottle. It's bad. I feel so sorry for her. I mean here she is surrounded by all new people and places and experiences and she has this to deal with. There was no mention of reactive airway issues in her medical file so I'm not sure if this is a first and hopefully one time problem or if she'll end up with asthma.
Otherwise the doctor says she looks great! She noticed how alert and interactive she is and her weight looks just fine. She's in the 8th percentile on the American growth charts for weight and they expect that she'll grow a lot in the first 6 weeks.
Here's a photo of her taken at the airport in Dulles while we were waiting for our last connection. We gave her a little sponge bath and a change of clothes.
Sweet, beautiful baby.
I am so sorry to hear about all the colds and Ember's massive bout with the yuckies. Not fair. I'm hopeful that things will begin looking up here soon- none of that can be any type of fun for her. Probably not so much fun for her big brothers either.
Positive, sick-free vibes coming your way!
She is just precious!! I don't know if you remember, but Pacey went through the same thing when she came home. We ended up on a nebulizer 4 times a day for almost the first month or so. It was scary but she got better. She has since had a cold or two but that is all. We never had a diagnosis. I think it is a mixture of the poor air quality in Ethiopia, the change in climate and the plane ride. She will be just fine I am sure!
My nebulizer machine sits on top of the fridge to ward off evils in the future!!:-) Hang in there!!
She is so adorable. Hopefully the cold is just a result of the long air flight and exposure to strange germs! See you soon :)
Welcome Home! We all send you many, many good wishes. Hopefully you'll all be on the mend soon. Love, Deni
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