Thursday, July 31, 2008

Settling In

Our transition to a family of 5 has been amazingly easy. Partly that's because we're already used to having no time for ourselves, losing sleep at night, and doing things with one hand, but I think it's even more because Ember is such an easy-going baby. She's so content -- well, right up until the moment she's ready for her bottle. Then she busts out with some crazy screaming and sweating and feet kicking. But that's about it. Even when she's ready for a nap she just takes her index finger and rubs it sideways over her mouth while she uses her other hand to rub her face with a blanket. Within minutes she's snoozing. It's wonderful, let me tell you! She requires no tricks -- no white noise makers, no swaddling.

And the boys are doing pretty well with it all. Beck just adores her and treats her like a little pet. Yogi is less interested, but has starting giving her toys occasionally and yesterday asked if he could hold her.

I think the hardest part so far is around 8:30pm when I'm exhausted from the busyness of the day, but realize that yes, this would be the best time to wash the kitchen floor. And this is why our bags are still splayed open in the basement waiting to be officially unpacked and put away.


emme said...

Thats why my house was a wreck for about 7 years, until Casey went off to school. Well it's still a bit of a wreck, but not so bad.

susan said...

Hey Emme!

My goal is to have the bags unpacked before you get here! We're really looking forward to your visit and BTW, congratulations on your new position! Exciting!!