In the last few minutes of putting away the gardening tools the sky began to look very spooky. I think these clouds are called mammatus - or at least that's what the cloud appreciation society calls them! If you love clouds like we do, then you might poke around their site. Here's a photo of the sky looking east from our yard.
I've been thinking of all the things I wanted to write about that we saw and did the last few days: the tiny sea star no bigger than your fingernail that Yogi pulled up while they were playing in the shallow water off Semiahmoo spit, the perfectly smooth breast of the Cedar Waxwing that we watched on the branch of the willow, the flock of Goldfinches that kept bursting out of the bushes like a handful of bright yellow pom poms, the boardwalk around Tennant Lake surrounded by lily pads in bloom and all sorts of wild and strange bird calls. It was wonderful and lush and alive. And as much as I think it's good for the boys to experience the natural world, I think I need it too. Don't we all?!
Awesome cloud picture!! You could frame that!
Beautiful words and pictures! The sky looks like a crazy VanGogh picture.
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