We just got back from another week at the cabin. The weather was actually lovely for a change and the boys spent hours and hours simply playing outside in their boots in the fields and the stream. I love that just two hours north of our big city we can be in a place where you can still hear frogs and coyotes at night, where osprey and bald eagles and great blue herons cruise across the sky, where you can watch the comings and goings of the clouds over the snow-capped peaks in the distance, where there are moments of stillness, of silence. I feel so inspired there and sometimes I try to put my finger on exactly why. Is it the open spaces, the simplicity, the lack of TV and computer, the air, the quiet, the big sky? All of it together?
One day we went to the farm auction in a nearby town. It's held twice a month in a dedicated old wooden building where they have a little lunch counter which only opens for the auction.

The auction started, the first animals came out, the auctioneer started his patter, and the kids looked
so surprised by the whole scene.

Beach play.

And even a trip to the Vancouver Aquarium. This is Skoona, the sea turtle.
1 comment:
i wanted to say how much i love the picture of everyone at the counter. it has such a nostalgic feel to it
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